Dear OHS Families,

Oxford High School, as well as the entire Oxford district, is committed to supporting academic progress as well as our students' social, emotional and behavioral growth.

Again this year at OHS, we will be completing a universal screening tool to assess the academic, social, and emotional learning skills of all students. The Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) is a tool that measures common behavioral criteria in Social Behavior, Academic Behavior, and Emotional Behavior.  The data will be used internally to look for trends across the school and grade levels and to develop next steps to support individual students.  As with all student data, we maintain strict levels of confidentiality.

Students will be taking the SAEBRS screener during the week of October 2 within their ELA class and again during the Spring.  The screener is composed of 20 short questions (below) to help identify student barriers for learning readiness.  This screener lasts no longer than 10 mins and will be taken on students’ school issued device.  In addition, each student will have one teacher complete a rating scale in the next few weeks to indicate how frequently the student has displayed each behavior (as described within each item) during the previous month.

After reviewing SAEBRS data in October, we will be selecting some students to take a short Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) survey.  The 20 minute PASS survey will help us identify students who may be held back by specific factors such as a lack of confidence, motivation or connection to school.  Our goal is to proactively address non-academic barriers to learning and identify school-wide supports, as well as individual supports for students.

During the Spring 2024 semester, students will once again take the OLWEUS Bullying Questionnaire. This is a standardized, validated, multiple-choice questionnaire designed to measure a number of aspects of bullying throughout our school.  This questionnaire consists of forty-two questions and will take most students approximately 15-20 mins to complete.   The questionnaire provides information to guide bullying program implementation and strengthen our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program. 

No student will be required to complete the SAEBRS screener, PASS survey and OLWEUS questionnaire.  There is no penalty for students who do not complete the screener, survey or questionnaire.  We do ask parents to complete this OPT OUT FORM by Sunday, September 30, to remove your student from taking the SAEBRS screener, PASS survey and OLWEUS questionnaire.   Should you have any questions, please let me know via email at the address below.  Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to support our students.    



Dacia Beazley, Principal

[email protected]


SAEBRS Questions:
