How to Apply:
The application process begins the spring before you enter the fall semester with OSEC. Application deadlines are listed on the application.
Application Steps:
Information Nights: If you are wondering if OSEC is right for you, every February, March, and April OSEC hosts informational meetings. Attend any of these to receive more information, ask questions, meet administration, and receive an application.
Fill out the Application: Complete and turn in your student application to OSEC by the deadline. APPLICATION LINK
Interviews: Students will be contacted to set up an interview. Interviews are usually conducted in the spring. Interviews are typically conducted with the student only, but parents are welcome to attend if they wish.
OSEC will notify all accepted students within one to two weeks of the interview. All accepted students will be asked to complete and return an enrollment paperwork to Oxford Community Schools by August 1st. There will be a mandatory new student orientation in mid August. Continuation in OSEC is contingent upon qualifying scores on the, PSAT, SAT, ACT, and ACCUPLACER test (given at the college or OHS for RC), and maintaining a minimum overall grade point average of 3.0.