OHS Summer Hours: M-Th 8:30am - 1:30 pm

Resources for SUPPORT & RECOVERY
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 Attendance Line- (248) 969- 5130
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link to Ohs 2024 commencement ceremony
You can view the commencement ceremony by clicking on the link below.

Live Stream Commencement Here

We hope that the livestream link will allow out of town family members, and those unable to attend the ceremony in person, the ability to share in celebrating the Class of 2024.


To create a world-class education today to shape tomorrow's leaders

To provide a world-class education that challenges all students to achieve their maximum potential  in academics, arts, and athletics and prepares them to succeed in a global society

Trust - Integrity - Commitment - Collaboration - Honesty - Accountability

At Oxford Community Schools we are committed to creating lifelong inquirers who are caring, contributing members of a global society.  Believing that every student is unique, we offer diverse opportunities in academics, athletics and the arts. Oxford Community Schools have a true passion for education and set high expectations for both our staff and our students.  Together we can help students achieve their maximum potential.