August 23, Tomorrow's the First Day of School


Hello, Families of Oxford High School.

We are ready for our students!  After a restful summer and careful planning these past few weeks, it's time to welcome our Wildcats.  We are so excited for the new year, new classes, sports and activities, and really - just being together.  

Doors open at #1, 2, & 17 at 7:15am.  After the start of the day, only door #2 will be open for a safe and secure  Please remind students to have their school ID with them; they will need that for entry.  Students report to Advisory, then hours 1-7.  We are all here to help and will make sure that the day goes smoothly.  

Please check the latest Smore Newsletter for all things OHS!  Click Here.

Happy start of the 23-24 year!

Dacia Beazley, Principal