Feb. 13, OHS Full Day Schedule Wednesday


Dear OHS Families,

As a reminder, our schedule this week includes a full day of school on Wednesday, as we have "Count Day."  Michigan has two official count days, the second Wednesday of February and the first Wednesday of October. Every school district reports their number of students to the Michigan Department of Education, which use that number for basing per pupil state aid.  Please see the bell schedule below for the rest of the week, and also note next week's schedule, which includes Winter Break.

In Advisory on Wednesday, our students will be completing an OLWEUS Bully Prevention Questionnaire.  We took this survey last year as well, and this effort supports our goal of gathering student input and perspective on the various aspects of a positive school culture and climate.  Gaining insight directly from our students will help us improve the future experiences they have at OHS. The OLWEUS survey is a standardized, anonymous, validated, multiple-choice questionnaire designed to measure various aspects of bullying that may be taking place in school. 

Happy Valentine's Day.
Dacia Beazley, Principal

winter break schedule