October 24, A Message from Supt. Weaver

Dear Oxford High School parents/guardians, students, and staff,


The unimaginable tragedy on Nov. 30, 2021, has shaken us all to our core. Today’s guilty plea is a step toward bringing justice for Hana, Justin, Madisyn, Tate, their families, the injured, and all who have been affected by that horrible day.

Today’s reports may have understandably created profound emotional reactions. It is hard to know how we will respond or feel when hearing and seeing the proceedings of today and those to come. Although we did not discuss the court proceedings as a whole in our classrooms, we have encouraged our Oxford High School students to reach out to an adult if they need any support, especially throughout this week.  The following was read to our OHS students during their fourth-hour class today,

“Many of you may have heard about the pre-trial plea hearing that happened this morning. We have received information that the shooter has pled guilty to all charges. We are not going to talk about this as a whole classroom discussion, but we wanted you to know since we are not streaming courtroom proceedings at school.

If you are curious about the proceedings, we would encourage you to talk with your parents or caregivers so you can discuss it in a supportive way.  In times like this, it is hard to know in advance how we will respond or feel when hearing and seeing the proceedings. 

We know that this will be happening more times throughout the year, and we want you to know that we are all in this together. Please reach out to an adult if you need any support, especially throughout this week. 

As we all navigate uncertain feelings and emotions that may arise as a result of today’s courtroom proceedings, it will be important to remember how our words and behavior may affect others – including our peers and staff.  

As a reminder, you can always contact your counselor or Family School Liaison: just scan the Counseling QR code, and please, don’t be shy, it is why they are here.”

We want all of our students, families, and staff to know that mental health specialists are here to support you.  Additionally, the All for Oxford Resiliency Center is available for anyone who would like to speak with professionally-trained counselors and can be reached at 248-653-5511 and the 24/7 Helpline from Common Ground is reachable at 1-844-446-4225.

We have a long road ahead as our Wildcat community continues to experience the trauma, grief, loss, and pain caused by this tragedy.  I hope today will be a step in our community’s continued journey of healing.


Ken Weaver