January 11, OHS Learning Options for Spring 2022

Dear OHS Students and Parents,

We have begun reaching out to families who have expressed interest in transferring to virtual learning or by transferring to OVA for the Spring, 2022, semester.  The information below outlines our official transfer process.  We know students and parents may want to first speak with a counselor and/or try the next few weeks in person to see how it goes.  If you would like to officially transfer to OVA, or remain an OHS student enrolled in off campus online classes, please use the links below.  All OHS students will be able to choose options 2 or 3 below for the second semester—Spring, 2022. 

1. OHS in-person: Parents and students do not have to choose this option.  All OHS students will remain OHS in-person students unless options 2 or 3 below are selected.

This plan allows for a slow and safe return to academics with tiered crisis counseling support available, as needed.   Although we will be providing academic coursework between January 11 - 27, students can expect all classes/programs to return to a ‘normal’ academic level of rigor during the second semester.

We understand some students may want to try coming back to OHS in-person, but find it difficult to transition back.  OHS teachers will work with students under this circumstance so they can engage remotely from home during the first few weeks of the second semester. This plan should be worked out with parents, teachers and an OHS counselor.  This is not a plan that can be sustained beyond the first few weeks of the second semester.  OHS counselors will contact students who have not attended first semester's classes in person and who have not selected a virtual option below. 

2. OVA In District Transfer:  OHS teachers will work with students to collect 1st semester grade choices and/or final assignments in each class.  Please see the recent ‘First semester grade options’ email for additional info.  OHS teachers will communicate with students via email so they do not have to come in-person for the remainder of the first semester.  The official transfer process will begin after parents first complete this OVA transfer form, as students select 1st semester grade choices and/or final assignments, if necessary.  After completing the OVA transfer form, parents will receive a Calendly.com link to schedule a session with an OVA counselor to go over course options, orientation and complete a second semester schedule. OVA students may still be involved in athletics and extracurricular after school activities.
Please note, students are not officially transferred until after 1st semester final grades are stored.

3. OHS Virtual Enrollment: Students will take 7 online classes with OVA teachers, but remain an OHS student for the Spring, 2022, semester.  This option will not be provided during the 2022-2023 academic school year.  Please complete this official OHS Virtual Enrollment form.  Please know OHS VIrtual students can also choose a few seated classes.  OHS Virtual students may work from home during the second semester, but utilize the OVA lab for in-person support if needed.  OHS Virtual students may still be involved in athletics and extracurriculars after school activities.  OHS Virtual students will be able to graduate and receive a Diploma from OHS if they meet OHS graduation requirements.  Seniors who are unable to meet OHS graduation requirements this semester will may to transfer to OVA and/or complete summer school coursework. 

The final date to select options 2 or 3 must be completed by 5 pm on Friday, January 28.  



Steve Wolf
Oxford High School
[email protected]