National Honor Society
NHS is a group of students dedicated to what we call the four pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service. We serve to model these characteristics both in and out of school at all times. Students with a 3.5 GPA are invited to join the National Honor Society at the end of their sophomore year. Students must demonstrate in an activity packet that they are individuals of good character, that they have held multiple leadership roles both in and out of school, that have participated in co-curricular activities both in and out of school, and that serving the community has been an important part of their lives by logging a minimum of 40 hours of community service that occurred after eighth grade and prior to their junior year of high school. The Faculty Council will review students’ activity packets and determine whether or not each student meets the requirements for admittance into Oxford High School’s Freda Quayle Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Should students be admitted into our chapter, they are formally inducted in the fall of their junior or senior year. At the induction ceremony, students take an oath to uphold the four pillars as members of the National Honor Society.
In order to maintain membership students are required to:
●Continue to serve as leaders both in and out of school
●Continue to model good character both in and out of school
●Continue to maintain a 3.5 or higher GPA
●Continue to serve the community and our chapter
●Complete 15-20 hours of community service as assigned by our chapter per semester
●Complete 5 hours of community service on your own per semester
●Tutor a/an Oxford Public Schools’ student(s) throughout the year
●Attend a minimum of 2 meetings per month
●Pay $20.00 per year in dues
Students who are unable to meet these requirements are asked to resign or are removed from the chapter by the Faculty Council. We welcome anyone and everyone who meets the requirements to join the National Honor Society. Above all our goal is to maintain strong membership and to improve the lives of our students, the quality of our schools, and the wellness of our community each day through our acts of service and leadership.
The Four Pillars of the National Honor Society
Scholarship:Scholarship is characterized by a commitment to learning. A student is willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate his/ her mind in the quest for knowledge. This pillar can only be achieved through diligence and effort. Scholarship means always doing the best work possible, regardless of impending reward.
Service:The pillar of service can be reached in a variety of ways. The willingness to work for the benefit of those in need without compensation or recognition of any kind is a quality that is essential in NHS members. As a service club, the National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community at large.
Leadership:Leaders take the initiative to aid others in a wholesome manner throughout their daily activities. Leaders sacrifice their personal interests in order to yield to the needs of others. Leaders need wisdom and self-confidence to affect change in all aspects of their lives. Some examples of leadership can include, but are not limited to, leading group activities in the classroom and in the community, being an officer in a club, being a primary member of the band or choir, or being the captain of a sports team.
Character:Character is what distinguishes one individual from another. It is the product of constant striving to make the right choices day after day. Students with good character demonstrate respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship in all of their actions.
For more information contact Email Josh Budden at 248.572.9471

NHS Tutoring
Oxford High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society’s goal is to provide tutoring for students in our district free of charge. Should you or anyone you know in the district need a tutor, please feel free to follow this process to get the assistance you need:
1. Have the student or the student’s parent/guardian fill out the tutoring request Google Form with the below link. Returning students who would like to continue with their tutor from last year still need to complete the form for this year. Please include the tutor’s name in the comment box.
Copy and paste link:
2. I will follow up within two business days for every request with any further information.
3. Please wait patiently to be matched with a tutor and for them to contact you.
4. Once you have been paired with an NHS student tutor, make immediate plans for days,
times, and meeting arrangements.
5. If you have any questions, email me anytime at Email Us. Please keep in mind that we will receive more requests than we can accommodate, and lists will be
kept on a first-come, first-served basis in order to match a student with a tutor as soon as one becomes available. For this reason, once an NHS student contacts you about setting up tutoring arrangements, please respond promptly. After one week, we will have to pair the tutor with another student in need. Similarly, if the student no longer requires tutoring, please notify me as soon as possible.
If you send tutoring requests, we will put you on a list and proceed to match you with a tutor. Thank you so much for your patience, and we look forward to serving our community’s needs to our fullest ability.