November 12, Concerns and Rumors

OHS parent(s) and guardian(s), 

We are aware of the numerous rumors that have been circulating throughout our building this week.  We understand that has created some concern for students and parents.  Please know that we have reviewed every concern shared with us and investigated all information provided.  Some rumors have evolved from an incident last week, while others do not appear to have any connection.  Student interpretations of social media posts and false information have exacerbated the overall concern.  We want our parents and students to know there has been no threat to our building nor our students.  

The safety and security of our students and staff is always our top priority. To accomplish this task, OHS has numerous highly-trained professionals who work to keep our building safe and secure. We have counselors and social workers who work with students on a daily basis. We also have two highly-trained security guards and an Oakland County Resource Officer on site who assist us as well.  Please contact us if you are aware of a specific threat or concern that you have heard directly. 


OHS Administration